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Charminster Pre-school is a kind and caring pre-school. The children's opinions and feelings are valued and taken seriously. There is a strong emphasis on promoting positive behaviour and on valuing and respecting other members of the pre-school and wider world. Opportunities to explore different scenarios are built into everyday play so children can share their experiences of the world with each other.

Charminster Pre-School do not subscribe to a singular model of pre-school education and prefer to incorporate the best aspects of several educational models and theories. We believe this gives the children in our care a rich and varied set of experiences and equips them with the skills they will need to continue to learn and develop as they move into first school and beyond. Charminster Pre-School works within the EYFS guidelines at all times. 

The Pre-School Day

A typical pre-school day incorporates short, teacher-led activities in groups and free play. Activities are set up in the playrooms and in the gardens for the children and they can move freely between them in play sessions.  



A typical pre-school session would follow a timetable like the one below:

8:00 - 9.00am Children arrive, hang up their coats and bags and enter the playrooms for play

9:15am  Carpet time. Children sing their welcome song and share any 'Wow' moments.

9:30am The children move into their groups for a teacher-led activity, examples include, cooking, painting , a short nature walk. 

10am Free play and snack time. Free movement between indoors and outdoors is encouraged.

11:00am All children engage in movement time.

11:15am Children return to their groups for a story.

11:30am Lunchtime

12:30pm Afternoon session begins

The afternoon session begins at 12:30 and is used as an opportunity for "play, do, review"/children's choosing time. It ends with carpet time and a goodbye song.

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